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Dear Dunder Mifflin Employees

As we all know, the last several months have been some of the toughest economic times in recent history. The credit crisis on Wall Street spilled out onto Main Street and consumer spending has since plummeted. Between lower demand and the new pressures arising from new technologies of paper distribution, the burden at Dunder Mifflin has been considerable. Our profits have been depressed considerably for several months and our company has become insolvent.

It is therefore with great regret that I must inform you that effective in April, all Dunder Mifflin offices will be closed permanently. We here at Dunder Mifflin understand that this decision will cause much pain and grief—and it grieves us to make it—but in spite of our best efforts to save the company, success was not ours this time. While we cannot remain in business we do wish to assure you that you have been and always will be valued as a member of the Dunder Mifflin team.

Over the last several years of business you have become more like a part of the Dunder Mifflin family and in these tough times we will be doing our best to take care of you. In that spirit, we are

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offering not only a handsome severance package to help you cope with your transition into a future career opportunity but also will deliver on our promise to provide for your health insurance for a further six months after the company closures. Please rest assured that this difficult decision was not easy and that we wish you all well in your future endeavors.

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