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Organizational ethics

As pertains organizational ethics, Green River which is unionized finds it right to accord the employees the right to belong to a trade union. Also by serving over 100 customers it has practiced good organizational ethics in order to protect its business interests. FMC Aberdeen ensures safety of its employees who manufacture deadly weapons as part of their organizational ethics. Same methods of ensuring observance of expected organizational ethics are not applicable in both facilities.

This is because the two are in different industries where there are differences in what is good for individuals in their respective markets and each organization has specific obligations to its customers and the society at large. From the study of the two facilities it is evident that they have not embraced the spirit of corporate social responsibility. As part of organizational ethics they should participate and sponsor in activities benefiting the society e. g. building hospitals, schools among others. To implement this they should identify areas in need of assistance and uplift them through sponsorship.


Cohen, A. 1993. Organizational Commitment and Turnover – A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Journal 36:1140-1157 “What makes jobs meaningful and satisfying? : guide for managers and supervisors. “, issued by Productivity

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Promotion Council of Australia. “Job Redesign, A Guide for Managers”, Department of Employment, Education and Training, The Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1988. Business Analysis of FMC Corporations: Green River and Aberdeen facilities. Available At: www. 123helpme. com/preview. asp? id=80287 Retrieved on 14. 06. 2007

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