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Hiring an Intern: 6 Things to Know Before Saying ‘You’re Hired!’

In life and in business, we’re faced with tough situations where there is no clear-cut answer. A week into my first high school relationship, I …

7 Tips to Increase Employee Happiness and Productivity

The benefits of a happy staff are obvious and self-evident. Aside from the numerous studies that link employee happiness to greater productivity in the workplace …

Holy Cow! God’s Own Startups

33 million gods, around 10 lakh temples with more than double the number of priests, up to 40 lakh kilogram of gold treasures, annual donations worth …

Are Corporates no longer at the Mercy of Cab Aggregators?

Over the past couple of years, the sudden advent of on-demand mobility and logistics services have played a key role in transforming the corporate mobility …

3 Reasons Local Online Lead Generation Beats Offline Lead Generation Every Time

With the power of the Internet so readily available to every small business owner, it never ceases to amaze me how many companies insist upon …

Bengaluru: The Startup Capital

Lush green gardens, complacent weather, vintage coffee houses like Koshy’s are some of the key things that are usually tagged along with Bangalore. However, over …

Parag Milk Foods Tasting New Generation’s Newer Strategies

Under the direction of Devendra Shah, Parag Milk Foods has achieved newer heights in the market with its popular milk products while being known as …

A Path To Profits

A man of great words and a disciplined life that’s the impression you get after meeting Dr. Arvind Lal. Seeing the way he grew Dr. …

From Bootstrap To Billions

A lot many have those teeny-weeny trysts with entrepreneurship at an early age, or might have that one moment of glory but thereafter they are …

Women Entrepreneurship: Beginning Of A New Era!

Before the 20th century, women used to operate businesses as a way to supplement income. They were considered as homemakers with little to do with economy …

Why A Low Tech Industry Is Going High Tech

When small changes can yield big results – businesses take note. Restaurants have warmed up to improving their “back of the house” technology investments, however …

How A Bootstrapped eCommerce Company Can Focus On Traction

eCommerce and fundraising are the new buzzwords. Everyone seems to be wanting in on the action. The glowing press coverages, rock star status and proclamations …

Is Your Personal Brand Valuable?

Influencers such as Kendall and Kylie Jenner can make as much as $250-500k for a single sponsored Instagram post. While this may be a bit atrocious …

How Easy is Doing Business In India

India has improved drastically in the World Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing Business’ 2016 international ranking by moving up to 130 out of 189 countries in. …

The Proposed UAE Bankruptcy Law Is Yet Another Boost For Entrepreneurs In The Country

No entrepreneur starts a business believing they are going to go bankrupt. But while solid business strategy and a can see you through just about …

‘Digital Unicorn’ Is the Next Big Marketing Hire You Want to Make

I was meeting with a marketing professor recently and she asked me about my prediction on the next trend within the digital marketing industry. I …

Seven Ways Entrepreneurs Can Reduce Business Expenses To Reinvest In Their Startups For Faster Growth

The past decade has not only been a harbinger of improving lifestyle, comfort, and convenience for people, but it has also provided significant technological breakthroughs …

Taking The Lead: Daruna Development CEO Michael Murphy

“The concept is simple; provide quality and affordable accommodations for the working community in Qatar, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and throughout the world,” says …

Why Salespeople Should be Advocates and Not Thought Leaders

What exactly is a thought leader anyway? Aside from a trendy buzzword infiltrating all areas of business, it is someone who is considered an informed …

4 Ways to Love the Job You Hate

It's 9 p.m. on a Friday night. Instead of going out to relax and grab drinks with friends, I'm sitting at my home office doing …

The Magic Formula to Becoming a Great Boss

An old cliché states that employees don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. A recent survey by supports this truism. Of the 7,200 adults polled, about half …

7 Tips to Improve Recruitment

Recruiting has gotten tougher over the past several months. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the first time since 2008. This means that we …

Entertainment + Engagement: The Key To Getting An Audience On Mobile

Living in a digital ecosystem, where 80% of the population is on mobile, has given rise to a new market for apps. Almost , inconsecutively …

Hope, Optimism and Resiliency: The Three Most Powerful Leadership Tools You Can Have As An Entrepreneur

Leaders have an arsenal of tools to throw at employees, markets, investors and other stakeholders. Which one should you choose? Which one pushes the organizations …

Google Allo Has Officially Launched

Google's WhatsApp competition is officially here, as , Google's most anticipated app of the year, is finally available in the Play Store. Announced back at …

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