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The implications for the business and stakeholders of a business operating ethically

For this task I have been asked to write the implications for a certain business and the stake holders of a business which is operating …

External Factors That Can Affect A Business

Macro environment- Retailers are endangered to external effects over which they have no control. These external influences are also recognized as macro-environmental factors and can …

Ethics and stakeholders at H&M

Responding to ethical pressures The CSR of firms is a response to the increasing burdens given to managements to take account of ethical issues. Thus …

The ethical and legal responsibilities of H&M

Operational activities A company’s typical daily processes that generate income. Operating activities pertain to a company’s core business activities, such as manufacturing, distributing, marketing and …

Organisational structures – ASDA+West Cheshire College

In this presentation I am going to look at organisation structure, span of control and the functional areas of two businesses. Also, I am going …

Aims and objectives of Waitrose

Waitrose aims: Waitrose aims are their long-term targets that they would want to achieve by using their skills as a business. One Waitrose aims is …

Aims and objectives of Tescos and Leeds City College

What is an aim? An aim is when you plan to do something, or plan a goal in the future. What is objective? An objective …

Customer service and satisfaction as one of the most important factors in the Thorpe Park

Customer service and satisfaction is one of the most important factors within maintaining a strong image in a working attraction such as Thorpe Park. If …

How political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of Tesco in the UK and China

A business will have many factors that will impact upon it. Political, legal and social factors are the three main factors that impact upon a …

Political, legal, social factors affacting Tesco

Political Factors There are various laws nationally and locally which affect Businesses especially large ones such as Tesco and the NHS. International bodies such as …

Business Analysis of Ninja Records

Ninja Tune is a British independent record label started by DJ’s Matt Black and Jonathan More, better known as Coldcut and managed by Peter Quicke. …

BTEC Business. Organisational Structure in different types of business

The main purpose of an organisational structure is to help everyone know who does what. To have an efficient and properly functioning business, each employee …

Describe three retail banking services appropriate to the needs of two contrasting customers

I have just finished my first week of training at The Co-operative Bank. It is clear that the pressure is on to sell products to …

Explain the distinctive features of two selected savings, investment and other financial services that render them suitable for two contrasting customers

My manager has requested that I produce a detailed report explaining the distinctive features of two selected savings, investment and other financial services that render …

Justify recommendations on ways in which problems with cash flow, working capital, costs and budgets and break-even may be addressed

I am the assistant financial manager of PWC and I have been asked by my manager to write a report for one of our profitable …

The advice and finance available for a business considering expansion and growth

I am working for Hounslow Chamber of Commerce as a trainee manager. The Hounslow Chamber of Commerce provides advice to existing businesses and to entrepreneurs …

The sources of initial finance, that need to be taken into account when seeking to establish a new business

I am working for the Hounslow Chamber of Commerce as a trainee manager. My job is to provide a guide explaining the sources of initial …

Analyse specie areas of ethical practice within the current activities of financial services

I am a trainee journalist for ITV. My production has been seen by a financial services recruitment agency, Taylor Green. They were most impressed with …

Outline the structure of your work placement organisation

I have completed a six week summer internship at BP; BP is one of the world’s six major oil and gas companies. BP is a …

During my internship I gained an understanding on how BP operates on a day to day basis

I have completed a six week summer internship at BP; BP is one of the world’s six major oil and gas companies. BP is a …

The importance of ethical practice in the financial services industry

My production has been seen by a financial services recruitment agency, Taylor Green. They were most impressed with the quality of my production. Taylor Green …

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