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Business Communication

Suppose you are a manager of ABA Bank Ltd. , CAD avenue. One of your officer , Mr.. Babul Koala has got a promotion as a senior officer, write a letter to congratulate him. AAA Define informal communication. Discuss the four predictable pattern of informal communication network ? SSL 1 What are the difference between the formal and informal communication ? SSI Briefly explain the different forms of non verbal communication ? SSL 1 4) Why business letters is different from personal letters ? Riffle discuss the guidelines for writing a social letters? All As a sales manager of Toby Furniture Put. Ltd, write a letter of regret to one of your corporate clients by explaining the reasons of delay delivery of their ordered products . AAA Suppose one of your colleagues has been aware as ten Test employee AT your organization, art a letter AT congratulation to him . AAA As a sales manager of BSRAM steel , write a letter of thanks to the purchase manager of Ashman Properties Ltd for their large order ? Ass As a manager of Dacha

Bank Ltd Grabby Branch , write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Kari Hessian – One of your

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sales executive for his outstanding performance to fulfill the target of bring TX 35 lack as a deposit. ASS Suppose you are a Sales Manager of Credit Card Division of ABLE.. One of your sales executives has shown good sales performance by fulfilling his monthly target. Now write a letter of appreciation to recognize his well performance . SSI Short notes: all Process of business communication Formal group vs.. Informal group Grapevine Barriers of effective communication Sketch the types of business communication

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