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Cross-cultural management memo

European countries of a national culture essentially based on compromise A cluster with low humane orientation practices, self-interest Is high, showing great loyalty and cohesiveness to family Nordic Europe The presence of the Vikings who swept down from Scandinavia and occupied parts of northern Europe is still felt. No overriding hierarchy, no elaborate system of control, instead, they maintained large Independent communities, each with Its own laws…

Everyone’s opinion is given consideration, approach to authority, more emphasis put n the job being done than the position, managers are not expected to have all the answers. Germanic Europe close to Nordic Europe, lower power distance than other fellows, tend to adopt a longer-term perspective when making strategic decisions. More Job than family. Individual initiative, assertive behavior, explicit communication, rather than relationships. The Anglo People who from the British Isles as well as who emigrated to North America and Australia.

Even though bureaucracy is the most common form of organization, British handle it in a very pragmatic way. Job is a job, less power distance, lower uncertainty avoidance , Individualistic, more ambitious than their counterparts. Latin: fit into the group, British: intellect or technical skills Germanic: in a much broader and long-term context, more

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considered as a step in the development of a career. Anglo-American Strict rules and procedures, strong shared commitment among company allows for delegation and decentralization to be established more easily.

Vital indicator if success for US businesses is the ‘bottom-line’, are continually aware of the interests of shareholders. Clear difference between British and American businesses is the way how they look at future, US- general optimism Anglo-Canadians Originally the territory of Indians and Intuit, was first explored by the French who set up their first colony around Quebec. British control eventually. Independent in 1867, Chapter 4 Eastern Europe The Russian Empire and the Soviet hegemony. Before the Iron Curtain fell, autocratic, centralized organizations with many bureaucratic levels.

The legacy of communist system of administration is what the societies of East and Central Europe have had to increasingly dominant, but unlikely ever to share cultural values. The form of social networking called blat, which enable individuals to deal with the scarcity of goods and services of a centrally planned economy. After aware, Easter Europe became closed off, dependent on Soviet communism. Western, went under the very strong influence of the US, its enterprising mind, its taste of risk and championing of individual rights. Asia The influence of Confucianism and Buddhism The way relationships are managed.

Unlike west, business is as much to do with the allegations between the parties concerned as the actual transaction. Patience is of the essence. Confucian Asia —The Chinese and Guiana Relationships are the key to business success. Maintaining good relations not Just with customers and suppliers, but also with local authorities, financial institutions and tax offices. Nazi, personal and public reputation, to be maintained at all cost and to be used to influence other people in decision-making It appears to have developed on a large scale as away of dealing with the state bureaucracy during the cent opening up of china.

The Japanese and Wa’ The concept of WA, the spirit of harmony, is a principle of Japanese thought, one applied to all relationships-even to the relationship with the nature. Managers are to be seen more as facilitators in making decisions. Building a consensus within the organization may take time through the need to go into detailed discussion and to give everyone the feeling that they are in. The South Koreans and the cacheable Chosen Dynasty ruled the country for more than five hundred years, made Confucianism the state religion.

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