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Supply And Demand Essay

While a study of the law is microeconomics in approach, an introduction to the law is included in this text to familiarize the student with how it works to enable him to relate it to the study of economic aggregates. Demand The demand for a product is the quantity of a good that buyers are willing to buy. A demand schedule shows the different quantities that will be bought of a good, given various prices. This demand may reflect an individual schedule of a consumer, or a market schedule of a group consumers.

A demand function show how the annuity demanded of a good is dependent on its determinants, the most important of which is the price of the goods itself. The demand curve is the graphical presentation of the demand schedule. Supply The supply of product is the quantity of goods that sellers are willing to sell. The supply schedule shown the different quantities that will be offered for sale at various price. This supply schedule may reflect an individual schedule of only one producer, or the market schedule showing the aggregate supply of a group of sellers or producers.

A supply function shows how the quantity offered for sale of

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a good is dependent on its determinants, the most important of which is the price of the good itself. The supply curve is the graphical presentation of the supply schedule. Supply schedule Economics By lamentation good and the quantity supplied. A supply curve is a graph that illustrates that relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. Under the assumption of perfect competition, supply is determined by marginal cost.

Firms will produce additional output while the cost of producing an extra unit of output is less Han the price they would receive. By its very nature, conceptualizing a supply curve requires the firm to be a perfect competitor, namely requires the firm to have no influence over the market price. This is true because each point on the supply curve is the answer to the question “If this firm is faced with this potential price, how much output will it be able to and willing to sell? If a firm has market power, its decision of how much output to provide to the market influences the market price, then the firm is not “faced with” any price, and the question is meaningless. Economists distinguish between the supply curve of an individual firm and between the market supply curve. The market supply curve is obtained by summing the quantities supplied by all suppliers at each potential price. Thus, in the graph of the supply curve, individual firms’ supply curves are added horizontally to obtain the market supply curve.

Determinants of Supply 1. Change in technology – State of the art technology that uses high tech machines increases the quantity supply of goods and service which causes the reduction of production cost. For example, mass production is not possible without specialized machinery to produce high volumes standard of standardized products such as cars and computers. 2. Cost of Input used – An increase the price of an input the cost of production decreases the quantity supply because the profitability of a certain business decreases.

Competitive prices of Chinese products can be attributed to a very low labor cost. A Chinese worker is willing to accept a wage ratter only one dollar per day. 3. Expectation of Future Price – Expectation about future prices can shift supply curve. When producers expect higher prices in the future commodities, the tendency is to keep their goods and release them when the price rises. Inversely, supply for such goods decreases if producers expect prices to decline in the future.

During natural calamities such as strong typhoons, we experience an immediate increase in the prices of basic commodities, such as rice. This increase can be pointed to unscrupulous traders who bold the supply rice in anticipation of a further increase in its price. 4. Price of related products – Change in the price of goods have a significant effect in encourage poultry raisers to shift into hog farming if this gives more production.

Demand schedule- A demand schedule, depicted graphically as the demand curve, represents the amount of some good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at various prices, assuming all determinants of demand other than the price of the good in question, such as income, tastes and preferences, the price of substitute goods, and the price of complementary goods, remain the same. Following the law of demand, the demand curve is almost always represented as downward-sloping, meaning that as price decreases, consumers will buy more of the good.

Just like the supply curves reflect marginal cost curves, demand curves are determined by marginal utility curves. Consumers will be willing to buy a given quantity of a good, at a given price, if the marginal utility of additional consumption is equal to the opportunity cost determined by the price, that is, the marginal utility of alternative consumption choices. The demand schedule is defined as the willingness and ability of a consumer to purchase a given product in a given frame of time. Determinants of Demand 1. Consumer Income 2.

Tastes and preferences 3. Prices of related goods and services 4. Consumers’ expectations about future prices and incomes that can be checked 5. Number of potential consumers Law Of Supply The law of supply states that as price increases, quantity supplied also increases and as price decreases quantity supplied also decreases. This means that the higher the price of certain good and service of higher quantity supplied. This is because producers tend to supply more at a higher price because could give more them more profit.

Law Odd Demand states that people will buy more of a product at a lower price than at a higher price, if nothing changes states that at a lower price, more people can afford to buy more goods and more of an item more frequently, than they can at a higher price more expensive Demand Curve Supply Curve, in economics, graphic representation of the relationship between product price and quantity of product that a seller is willing and able to supply. Product price is measured on the vertical axis of the graph and quantity of product supplied on the horizontal axis.

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