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Labor vs Management

Laborers on the other hand believe that work Isn’t something to be purchased or sold off Like cattle; they believe that their wages should be enough to allow them to be able to comfortably support themselves, regardless of the current economic conditions or production rates. There is certainly no doubt that if asked, anyone would choose to be on the management side of the work field. But without laborers, there would be no production, and no production is no business.

So that’s why I choose to focus on the laborers of the work field and find a happy medium twine laborers and management. As a company expands and grows, so will Its profits. But whether those profits are split In the right way was questionable. Owners, employers and managers often would get extremely large amounts of money from the incoming profits of the business while laborers were down below scraping up a meager pay and had to deal with longer hours and faster pace to keep with demand.

John D Rockefeller is a great example of this, in his words “I would rather earn 1% off of 100 peoples efforts than 100% of my own” Rockefeller thought that management as supremely superior

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and that by being a laborer you essentially Just are working to put the real money right Into his pocket and the laborers wages were the simple extra coin or dollar that gets thrown to the nearest poor soul on the side of the street. Like Rockefeller, employer’s selfish ways were what spurred Labor movements in the late 19th and early 20th century.

In my opinion, the more profit a company makes the more they should make sure to invest back into their employees, A large company hat makes a large profit should not pay its laborers minimum wage with no benefits. Companies should make sure to Invest back Into their employees, so that their employees feel that they are receiving a competitive wage and good working conditions. A competitive wage good working conditions and better benefits will provide higher productivity in the working environment, this benefits the company as well, happy more productive laborers means higher productivity rate without error. Read about labor movements

Employers who pay their labors only minimum wage compete with other companies ho pay more than minimum wage by offering great benefits such as full healthcare coverage for the laborer and their family, more sick and personal days, and coverage by the employer’s insurance policy. This way everything balances, employers don’t have to pay high wages and laborers are getting what they are working for. Labor vs. Management By Antiquarians expanse of the work field.

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