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Leadership & Change Management

The players also share the same workload and are able to play according to the rules set in the game. Secondly, they are also responsible for their self well being, meaning, they need to able to keep fit, healthy and in high spirit to win the game. So if one of the football players are Injured or not well, it will affect the number of resources available In order to play the game. With this, the players have to be physically and mentally fit to strictly focus on the winning the game. The spirit of winning among the players need to be motivated and Inspired at all times.

Thirdly, they are accountable for the collective performance and work toward a common goal and shared rewards. For example, every players In the football team are responsible and dependent towards one another, planning effective strategies in order to win the game and be the champion among the entire football league. A team becomes more than Just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members. In this scenario, when the team members hared the common

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goal with the same commitments. Hey will feel motivated. Inspired, energetic and encouraged in their performance. Team also can be defined as Trust, Encourage. Appreciate and Motivate. This definition is interesting because it does relate to the leadership role of the leader in a team. The leader practically needs to trust his or her team members in assigning a task. Successful teams are built of members who trust each other. Most of the team leader would rather do the task personally in order to get the things done his or her way and not trusting his or her team members with the task.

Leader also consistently encourages and supports the team to give more ideas and challenges. Leader must also appreciate and reward the staffs who have done well and above the others. The staff will feel great being recognize for his or her effort. Motivation is also the key to boost the staffs’ morale. Team can also mean Together Everyone Achieves More. By combining individual talents and abilities, great things can happen and excellence is within everyone’s reach. Question No. 1 (a) First thing is that each team member must know what function he or she plays in the team.

How the roles compliment other team members’ functions and what would be the implications if one of the team members does not do or complete the Job in time. The team must know what is their mission and goals to achieve. In this scenario, Mike need to call for a meeting with all departments. Clarify the team mission and each member of the team must know the mission and understand the role they play in fulfilling the mission. The team mission is the purpose or the team’s reason for being. The mission in this scenario is to increase productivity with minimum cost and resources.

Mike must also make sure that everyone has common goals and objectives that should support the team’s mission or purpose. The goals should be measurable and with given deadline. Once the mission and goals have been put in place, Mike must make sure that the team members understand why each of each of the departments plays a crucial role in completing the task given. For example, the specific goal for a sales team is to increase sales by fifteen percent over the last month’s sales totals by the end of the third quarter.

The sales team would go all out to find the sales and make sure the sales are approved and accepted y the customers. And it does not end there, in order to make sure that the sales will later be able to drawn and turned to profit, other departments play a huge part as well. The sales team need to work hand in hand with the middle office support, credit management department, legal department, retail and consumer division, credit assessment department and finance department. Mike will also need to see whether the situation warrant a role that is unique, then he will need to create it.

Likewise, if the current of the team members is redundant ND does not serve any purpose, he will need to eliminate it and reassigned to a new role. Always remember that end results is what matters most and not particularly on how well a team adhered to the standard role structure. Next is to identify at least 3 aspects of the project that are most important or crucial and can pose the most risk. Create roles that will manage and overcome the concerns or risk areas. Then ensure that all major roles are defined correctly by cross-checking the roles with the works that needs to be done.

This role will create accountability to engage the areas of concerns or risks head-on that are most likely to fail. For example, one of the team members in each of the department will be assigned to make sure that the Job done efficiently with zero impact on other departments. Strategy No. 2: Establish the Ground Rules Mike need to establish the ground rules with the team which also known as norms. Acceptable and unacceptable. Specific ground rules can eliminate misunderstandings and disruptive conflicts. Questions that can be asked to the team to establish the ground rules are as per below. . Think of the best team experience you have had. What made the team work? 2. Think of the worst team experience you have had. What made it worse? 3. What can we do to make this team experience one of the best experiences for all of Most of the team discussions are tends to be lively but it can also get out of control and can lead to finger pointing and fighting. That is why before the starts of any discussions, the ground rules must be put in place to maintain level of civility. Examples of ground rules can be, each team members must attend each team meeting.

Otherwise, must inform the team leader. Actively participate in discussion, omelet assign task on time, ask for help with tasks as needed, raise potential issues at the meeting and communicate with respect towards each other without interrupting would be good examples of ground rules. Other examples also are once decision has been made, everyone must stand behind it as a team, no gossiping or badmouthing a team member to outsiders, wrong decisions must be accepted as a team and focus on issues, not on people.

In this scenario, Mike can arrange the meetings with all of the team members from every department and agree on the ground rules set for any of the meetings or discussions to come. In summary, the making of the clear ground rules will ago long way towards reducing conflict penthouse some rules will be broken. Strategy No. 3: Develop a Slogan to Focus the Team Normally we would notice that in any team building activities or sports carnival, there will be a War cry to boost up the spirit of the team. Examples of War cry are feel the fire’, ‘go team’, ‘burn baby burn’ and lots more.

The same situation can be applied in this scenario as it definitely helps the team to embody some kind of rallying cry or mantra. However, the team’s message should also incorporate aspects of the project. Mike can propose the team member to come out with a slogan that can be used in any kind of work situation. For example, since all of the departments need to collaborate in more creative ways to increase productivity with minimum resources, Mike can suggest ‘good fix’ as their rallying cry. ‘Good fix’ is a like a continuous reminder and praise to all team members to make sure that the issue is fix with zero impact on other departments.

Another example, one the branch manager of a bank uses the slogan focus on the ninety percent and eliminate the ten’. The branch manager is trying to unify the team r employees by focusing on ninety percent which is the positive energy around you negativity which ultimately affects their whole performance for a period of time. In short, aside from helping to keep the projects within bounds, the rallying cry will also help unify the team. Strategy no. 4: Hold Team Members Accountable For Delivery Each team members need to realize that the team are accountable to each other.

Very much rely or dependent on each other. By saying so, if one person fails, the whole team fails. So it is crucial that each individual team member must know what everyone else is doing. It would be beneficial to begin cross-training people in more than one Job function to promote sharing of available team members between functions when the workload permits. For example, if the electrical team members are not able to complete the task within the time frame given, the rest of the team members need to sit down and discuss on what are the issues came up and the solve them immediately.

Otherwise, the whole team fails. In short, each individual performance contributes to the team overall performance. To ensure that the individual knows how he or she fits into those aspects of the team reject, each person should be aware of what other team members are doing. All team members should realize that if they are not able to meet the deadline of the project or are not able to perform their Jobs adequately, they are letting down the entire team and not Just the project manager.

Team manager has to expose the missing deadlines and deliverables to the entire team. Each member needs to feel accountable for his or her work and needs to experience the discomfort of failure as well as the Joy of success of the project. Monthly or weekly review sessions to assess progress against the goal must be done s a basic team discipline. These review sessions are most important towards forming a basis for the team discipline about delivering key goals. Strategy No. : Celebrate Success as a Team To keep the morale up and momentum going, Mike need to make sure to celebrate key milestone along the way. People can easily become discouraged when the team faces difficulties, roadblocks or setbacks since it is tough work to complete the whole journey of the project. For example, can treat the whole team with pizza or celebrate birthday monthly for every team members. With the agreement of the team members, can also propose to the team members can suggest to have monthly celebration, outing or Just a dinner or lunch session with the team.

Mike can also have weekly the Atari session with the team members to discuss on the work progress informally. The celebration also can be done by appreciating on the specific individual who have done more than expected or exceeding the expectations. By simply mentioning Job well done to several people will definitely boost up their motivation and make the work more fun. These celebrations do not have to be extravagant and it allows the am members to loosen up and take a bit of a breather.

However, to keep in mind to celebrate in moderation as too much celebration can lessen the impact of final success. Conclusion The five strategies stated above are the key to ensure that all the team members know what they need to contribute, understands his or her role to the project, what other team members are doing on the project and what it takes to be successful. It is important that the team members must help and assist each other to ensure overall project success and achieve the goals which have been set earlier on.

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