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Administrative Management Process

Second, the Administrative management process can be reduced to a set of separate functions and related principles. It has rightly been said by some scholars that “perhaps the real father of modern management theory Is the French industrialist Henry Payola”. 1916 he published “Administration Industrially et General”. It was translated and republished in English In 1929 In 1949 His book was published In USA and from then his Ideas became famous. In the world, his book left a permanent mark on management thinking. A successful industrialist, Payola headed a steel and coal combine in France.

He Is now considered the father of the universal process or Operational management or Administrative management theory, because he made universal generalizations about management based on his keen Insight and practical management experience. As opposed to Taylor, Payola endeavors to deal with “classical administration. ” He focuses his attention on the enterprise as a whole rather than on a single segment of it. He pioneered the concept of viewing management as being made up of functions, and his work supplied a comprehensive framework from which management could e studied and developed.

He also repeatedly emphasized that his principles apply not only to business but also to political.

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Religious, philanthropic. Military and other undertakings. Industrial Activities Identified by Payola Fall identifies the following six major activities of any industrial or business organization: 1. Technical (production and manufacturing); Commercial (buying, selling and exchanging); 2. Financial (search for an optimum use of capital; 3. Security (safeguarding property and people); 4. Accounting (including statistics); and 5. Managerial. 6.

OFF While pointing out the existence of these activities in business of any kind or size, Payola particularly stresses on the analysis of the sixth, devoting a substantial portion of his book (mentioned earlier) to this aspect of management. He specified 5 managerial functions; 1. Planning. 2. Organizing. 3. Commanding. 4. Coordinating. 5. Controlling. Payola’s Principles of Management In addition to these six management activities, Payola identified fourteen universal principles of management which are aimed at showing managers how to carry out their functional duties.

He himself followed them. Payola was of the opinion that the application of these principles should be flexible enough to match each specific organizational situation. Subsequently, however, the rigid application of these functions by managers came under criticism. Payola’s suggested the “management” to be accepted as a body of knowledge and suggested to include it in college and universities as a field of study. His contention that management is a continuous process beginning with planning and ending with controlling also remains popular today and can be found in nearly all management sets.

It’s him who we should thank for the place where “management” in now. Read More@ Contributions of Henry Payola in Management: Administrative Management I Du Articles http://du-article. Bloodspot. Com/2012/11/administrative- management-of-Henry-payola. HTML#customization Follow us: @directionless on Twitter According to Henry Payola management has 14 principles. Henry Payola listed the 14 principles of management as follows: 1 . Specialization of labor. Specializing encourages continuous improvement in skills and the development of improvements in methods. 2. Authority.

The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. 3. Discipline. No slacking, bending of rules. 4. Unity of command. Each employee has one and only one boss. 5. Unity of direction. A single mind generates a single plan and all play their part in that plan. 6. Subordination of Individual Interests. When at work, only work things should be pursued or thought about. 7. Remuneration. Employees receive fair payment for services, not what the company can get away with. 8. Centralization. Consolidation of management functions. Decisions are made from the top. 9. Scalar Chain (line of authority).

Formal chain of command running from top to bottom of the organization, like military 10. Order. All materials and personnel have a prescribed place, and they must remain there. 11. Equity. Equality of treatment (but not necessarily identical treatment) 12. Personnel Tenure. Limited turnover of personnel. Lifetime takes to make it happen. 14. Esprit De corps. Harmony, cohesion among personnel. Out of the 14, the most important elements are specialization, unity of command, scalar chain, and, coordination by managers (an amalgam of authority and unity of direction).

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