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Beacon College SWOT Analysis

Due to his effort, Beacon College is the first school consisted of both day school and tutorial school. It can utilize all classrooms and spread of the fixed cost, which is rental expense. There are many famous star tutors in Beacon College, e. G Y Lam and Dry. Kappa Kook. They have strong academic background and exam skills, Y Lam even was an examiner in HAKE. Their ability assists with lots of mock exams and well-organized notes, they enhance the reputation of Beacon College and attract more students to Join the tutorial classes.


Beacon College relies on individual assets. As human resources are the major resource to tutorial schools, Beacon College would be in trouble if the star tutors wanted to integrate forward to set up tutorial schools in order to earn more income. As Beacon College is a tutorial school, it cannot take care of all individual students. Tutors are usually unable to have face-to-face communication with the students because there are too many students in a class.


The 3-3-4 scheme was introduced in 2009.

Due to this reform of education system, students only need to take one public exam before getting into university. Many of them are anxious and started to

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prepare public exam earlier. As they aren’t familiar with new exam format, attending tutorial classes can help them learn more about exam skills and the exam format in order to increase their ability and competitiveness in HEDGE. As a result, more students are willing to attend tutorial classes to be more confident before taking the exam.

Since there is an improvement f Hong Kong economy according to half-yearly economic report 2014, parents of the students can afford tuition fees paid to tutorial education centre. Therefore, more students are willing to attend tutorial classes. A common stereotype of Asian students is their strong commitment to academic success. The education system of Hong Kong is highly competitive. In order to enhance their confidences and eliminate their anxiety, tutorial classes are exam-oriented and focus on HEDGE. Students would like to attend tutorial classes in order to get a good exam result.

Due to the improvement on information technology and internet, the tutors can promote themselves through internet and social media easier than before. This can attract more students to Join tutorial school.


Students can share their tutorial notes and exam information easier than the past because of the improvement on information technology and internet as well. Also, there are more online tutors and distance learning materials nowadays, students may want to switch to this if they can’t afford the tuition fees. SOOT Analysis By Hoying-Sis

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