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Swot of lenovo and mtn

Severe price competition in the market Opportunity 1 . JP to date information on competitor’s activities 2. Growing mobile and internet market across the globe . Too many expansions can lead to loss of focus 2. Mobile number portability may hamper growth In the society which with a fast economic development and it’s getting very competitive in the marketing, if a company wants to exist and develop, a good strategic plan is very important to help the company win in the competitive is very important.

But how to make a good strategic planning for a company? So analysis the external environment is very helpful to managers achieve a greater understanding and appreciation of the external environment, leading to improvement in long-term and strategic planning; highlighting of the principal external environmental influences generating change and anticipation of threats and opportunities within a timescale of long enough duration to a response to be considered.

Also the tool which called PESTLE analysis is good for analyzing the external environment. But what is PESTLE analysis? So the following will explain what PESTLE analysis is and focus on analyzing the Leno Corporation’s external environment which likely major influence in their business environment to be faced in the

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