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World Bank

The most prevalent trends in the data sets, whether those found within the World Bank database, the Philippine National Statistics Office or from the independent NGOs, would be the exponential growth of the current population. The total population of the Philippines as of May 1, 2000 was 76,504,077 persons. This was higher by 7,887,541 persons or about 10. 31 percent from the 1995 census (with September 1, 1995 as reference date). It was 10 times the Philippine population in 1903 when the first census was undertaken (Philippine National Statistics Office, 2002).

World Bank data for the population last 2000 was 75. 8 million which grew to 83.1 million in five years –an increase of 7. 3 million persons (World Bank, 2007). Statistical evidence shows that this is an alarming increase if one were to relate it to ideal population growths and the ability of the Philippines as a developing country to support their population. Further statistical evidence on how precarious the overpopulation of the Philippines is becoming can be found in the Philippine Population Pyramid. Since the early 1990’s the Philippines has statistically shown an expansive pyramid (Nation Master, 2007) and the trend will predictably continue all the way to the

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next few decades unless measures are taken.

Though this kind of statistical data is common with developing and least developed countries, it still highlights the possible economic implications which may result from having an expansive population. It can even be argued that an excess in especially young adult male population predictably leads to social unrest, war and terrorism as the “third and fourth sons” that find no prestigious positions in their existing societies rationalize their impetus to compete by religion or political ideology (Heinsohn, 2007).

To sum it up, it would be wise for a developing country such as the Philippines to address their issues on overpopulation and their population’s explosive growth. Already the country faces much in terms of domestic terrorism and civil unrest –issues which may only get worse if the problem is left without the solution. The statistics speak for themselves, a prolonged trend of this nature would severely hamper economic growth of the country as they strive to provide limited resources for a seemingly unlimited population.

Data Sets: Nation Master, Philippine Population Pyramids: Table 1: Key Development Indicators for the Philippine Population (http://www. remedios. com. ph/fhtml/philstat_development. htm)

Works Cited

Heinsohn, G. (2007, November 20). Demography and War. Retrieved August 12, 2007, from Demography and War: http://www. geocities. com/funnyguy_35/DefenceTraining. PDF Nation Master. (2007, August 13). Nation Master. Retrieved August 14, 2007, from Nation Master – Philippine Population Pyramids: http://www. nationmaster.com/country/rp/Age_distribution People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation. (2007, August 14). The PREDA Official Website. Retrieved August 14, 2007, from Nearly 88% of Filipino Families Live in Poverty: http://www. preda. org/archives/2002/r02062901. html Philippine National Statistics Office. (2002, October 16). PHILIPPINES: POPULATION EXPECTED TO REACH 100 MILLION FILIPINOS IN 14 YEARS. Retrieved August 12, 2007, from Results from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, NSO: http://www. census. gov.ph/data/pressrelease/2002/pr02178tx. html Remedios Aids Foundation. (2007, August 10).

Remedios Aids Foundation Official Page. Retrieved August 12, 2007, from Philippine Key Development Indicators: http://www. remedios. com. ph/fhtml/philstat_development. htm World Bank. (2007, August 12). Philippines Data and Statistics. Retrieved August 12, 2007, from World Bank Website: http://www. worldbank. org. ph/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/EASTASIAPACIFICEXT/PHILIPPINESEXTN/0,,menuPK:333008~pagePK:141132~piPK:141109~theSitePK:332982,00. html

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