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Use This Green Beret Morning Routine to Feel Energized All Day

Are you exhausted? I feel exhausted just typing that question. Luckily, former Green Beret Sergeant Major (retired) shared with Entrepreneur a military-tested plan of attack that boosts …

This Startup Raises Seed capital From IAN

The biggest challenge faced by early-stage startups is to raise seed capital which is instrumental in scaling up their businesses by developing their technology and …

A Special Guide to Growing Stronger, Feeling Better and Bouncing Back After Failure

Entrepreneurship is no walk in the park. The mistakes leaders make can have personal impact. Take it from the founder of , a startup specializing in professional skis. …

How One Entrepreneur Survived Five Years of Errors

In 2011, my five pals and I were driving home from one of our weekend ski trips in Vermont. We were engineering students at the …

This Startup Launched Without Titles or a Traditional Business Structure. Here’s What It’s Doing Now.

Tracy Young and her cofounders knew the construction business and computer engineering, but they didn’t know squat about . So when they launched their startup, …

How This Company Bounced Back After a Toxic Hire

"Culture fit" is the Holy Grail of hiring, but when Tracy Lawrence launched the catering startup , in 2011, she gave experience an inflated importance. …

3 Entrepreneurs on Their First Big Mistake

Entrepreneurs look back on the blooper they thought would kill their company. Sandy Chilewich Founder and creative director, “Back in 2000, when I was just …

3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Brand’s Engagement on Instagram

Are you looking for actionable advice on to engage with your Instagram posts? I personally manage an that has almost 900,000 followers at this time, and …

This $100 Million Business Started With a Series of Happy Accidents

Jon King and Jim Stott founded , which is an almost $100 million business. But 25 years ago, the business (and life) partners began their …

The Five Stages of Screwing Up

had been growing at a steady clip and was about to launch a big new product. This was 2010, and the then-4-year-old company, which helps …

The Tools That 5 Highly Productive Entrepreneurs Use

When I graduated from college, I had no work experience. And that didn't sit too well with the real life that followed. The result? I repeatedly …

This Exclusive Study Reveals Entrepreneurs Really Do Have Thicker Skins

Entrepreneurs, perhaps more than anyone else, love to talk about their . They’ve been conditioned to see as a learning experience — that, rather than …

How This Buzzy Startup Saved Itself from Imploding

When same-day flower delivery company launched in San Francisco in 2013, it seemed on a fast track for : The Y Combinator alum had $7.6 …

The Awesome Advice We Learned From Richard Branson’s Former Assistant

Most people don't go in for a routine day of work expecting to fly in a hot air balloon. But most people don't work directly …

7 Ways Snap Could Break Open Social Media in 2017

, in a subtle yet telling move to redefine its direction and place itself in the social media realm. Now, Snap is starting to expand …

5 Ways to Blow a Business Speaking Opportunity

Speaking at events is a major opportunity to market your business and establish your expertise, thought leadership and credibility. It’s also a potentially huge revenue …

This Is What Entrepreneurs Have To Say About Their Unforgettable Travel Experiences

A travelling entrepreneur is a happy entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship does come with a hectic schedule but it also brings along opportunities to travel to news places. …

7 Tips From Guy Kawasaki, James Altucher and Other Self-Published Entrepreneurs

So you want to write a book. Maybe you’re looking for a new revenue stream. Maybe you have a that you think others should adopt …

Legal Advice for Cannabis Startups: First, Invest. Then, Stay out of Jail.

"You need more lawyers" is a phrase most early-stage startup CEOs never want to hear, and for good reason: It usually means something has gone …

Craig Simpson’s Top 10 Must Read Books for Marketing Professionals

 is a series designed to bring to our readers the best books we've found to help motivate your entrepreneurial drive. Follow us on  and  to be notified …

Make Cell Phone, Tech and Home Office Pre-Payments Before Year-End

This article is part of the  from tax and legal expert Mark J. Kohler.  Over the years, I’ve discovered there is a lot of misinformation out …

Pinterest Is Rumored to Add Explore Section

Instagram and Snapchat continue to be some of the most disruptive forces in social media and digital marketing in general. Their influences are clear in …

6 Priceless Lessons Learned From a Coconut Vendor in Maui

It was late July, and I was riding up the west coast of Maui on a cherry red Honda Ruckus. I had just finished snorkeling in …

Passion Is What Unlocks Your Hustler’s Work Ethic

Why is it that some people seem to be able to crank out like they are child’s play while others can’t get through a four …

Selfless Leaders Prioritize Value for Customers, Not Personal Profits

If you're thinking that we’re moving away from the idea that "business is a cutthroat environment where costs are minimized and customers are squeezed for every …

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