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Business Ethics Chpt

Ethical relativism is suggesting that morally right is determined by the majority. Is this a good argument? D) Ethical relativism claims that there is no universal moral rules but AT THE SAME TIME, people within each society are expected to obey the rules of their society (which implicitly suggest hat there is a conduct more ethical than others). 22 Relativism and the ‘game’ of business 0 Albert Carr (cited in Shaw W.

H. 2009, p. 17) argues that business, as practiced by individuals as well as corporations, has the impersonal character of a game 0 Poker game analogy 0 ‘Business has its own moral standards, and it should only be Judged by those standards. ‘ Counter argument: 24 Lesson o Stages of acquiring moral principles Acquiring moral principles 26 0 Differentiating morality from etiquette, law and religion 0 Stages of acquiring moral reminisces Ocean moral principles and self-interest go hand-in-hand?

Moral principles and self interest Areas for discussion: 0 Different people’s self interests often conflict one another; when conflict arises, for one party to gain, is companies companies. Possible to same time. Evidence that . 0 There are among the most Therefore, some writers argued that it is act morally and pursue

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self interest at the 28 Areas for discussion: 0 Paradox of selfishness / paradox of hedonism. 0 People have reasons not interested. Self-interested to be self- 29

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