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Organisational Structure

Four Leaves Bakery and Cafi?? (Penang) is the first branch to open in Penang. This branch was opened in 1996. A new set of employees was hired to operate this new branch. Four Leaves (Penang) Sdn. Bhd. consists of a bakery and cafi?? , each with its own attendant staff. The Penang Branch Manager is in charge of the overall running and operation of Four Leaves (Penang) Sdn. Bhd. The Manager is assisted by a Supervisor who is in charge of the bakery and cafi?? sections of this outlet and reports to the manager.

The Chief Baker is responsible for the bakery kitchen side and also reports to the manager. He, the Chief Baker heads the bakery kitchen and has an Assistant Chief Baker, three (3) Bakers and four (4) Assistant Bakers under him. There are also three (3) cooks who prepare the meals for the cafi?? side who reports to the Chief Baker. His role is to oversee the general running and smooth operation of the outlet and is responsible for all the staff in the outlet. Mainly he has to make sure the department heads perform their duties properly and correctly.

He is responsible for maintaining a liaison and rapport

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with suppliers to ensure that the outlet is amply provisioned and to also search and locate new suppliers when needed. His subordinates will prepare reports on sales performance and cashflow on a daily and monthly basis. Using these reports and in consultation with the National Manager in Kuala Lumpur and also the Regional Manager based in Singapore, he will formulate a plan of action to improve the profitability of the outlet. These may include promotions or exhibitions with famous pastry chefs from Japan and so on.

One of his most important duty concerns the expansion plans of the bakery chain. Not only does he have to ensure that the outlet is profitable but he also has to plan for the expansion of the chain. Using the outlet as the basic model, he will then set up more outlets in Penang, effectively employing more clusters of staff for the other outlets. These staffs for their respective outlets will then be a team working towards the smooth running and profitability of the respective outlet. In this, the Manager is also involved in hiring and selecting new employees.

He is in charge of all sales and general staff in both the cafi?? and bakery section of the outlet. He is required to train staff in order for them to carry out their work correctly; control the quality of the bakery products to maintain the standard of the company; staff control; observe and monitor the sales performance and provide feedback to the manager. Basically, the Supervisor handles all the mundane day to day administrative tasks involving staff and the running of the outlet. He is in charge of rostering the staff’s schedules.

This involves rostering them on shifts as the normal operating hours of the outlet is twelve (12) hours which exceeds the normal working day of an individual staff of eight (8) hours. Planning of staff strength during peak hours and also annual leave is also in the purview of the Supervisor. One important aspect of the Supervisor’s job is the training of staff; he is in charge of training new staff and also to train existing staff in new procedures or new skills if and when required. He is there to lend a helping hand to staff in improving their skills in the execution of their duties.

He supervises the general setting up and display of the outlet’s products for the day’s opening; maintaining quality control in respect of the shop’s general appearance and also more importantly, the quality of the products that line the outlet’s shelves for sale to the public. The Supervisor will ensure that the outlet is ready for business daily; i. e. ensuring that all mise en place is ready; the appearance and cleanliness of the outlet passes muster and that the products on display for sale are of good quality in line with company policy.

One important duty of the Supervisor is the observation and preparation of daily sales performance. This is generated in respects to daily, monthly sales and also in a breakdown of specific items or products. This is then brought to the attention of the manager who will then review the reports with the Supervisor. Any action is required is dictated by the Manager who will then inform the Supervisor of the required course of action. He is in charge of all kitchen staff; this includes both the bakery and the cafi?? kitchen staff.

Basically his duties mirror the duties of the Supervisor in respect to the kitchen staff with some minor exceptions and differences. He is involved in rostering and planning of his staff’s schedules. He ensures that his staffs have sufficient skills and knowledge to perform their duties well. He is involved in training his staff, new and existing ones; to the required level of proficiency for their rank or position. He supervises the set up of the kitchens and ensures that they are clean orderly and ready for the day’s business.

One important aspect in this regard is the quality control of products that emerge from the kitchens. The Chief Baker is required to ensure that all bakery products are produced using the exact ingredients and methods specified in company policy. He is also to ensure that the end product passes muster and is fit for sale; i. e. the breads are not too big or too small; not overbaked; has the correct colour and shape; ingredients are not stale or bad; etc. The Chief Baker is also involved in the review of daily and monthly sales figures in regards to his appreciation of which products are popular and which not so.

This will then assist him in determining a revamped lineup of new products. On the other hand, it will also enable him to understand the popular tastes and wishes of the outlet’s customers. The review will determine what the general public likes and dislikes and will assist him in deciding what new products to introduce and what to retire from the lineup. This is done in consultation with the Manager who will then approve or suggest an alternative to the Chief Baker.

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