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Learning Disability


Learning Disability


Learning Disability

Learning disabilities form a set of neurological issues, which are characterized by the inability to take in, accept, or process information (Helpguide.org).
They limit success in particular life areas.
They are not treatable by medication.
Could be treated by intervention methods.
Learning disabilities are not the same as low intelligence.
Could affect a person’s reasoning, motor skills, calculation, and language.
Learning disabilities are characterized by a person’s difficulty in one or more of the stages of information processing, namely, input, integration, memory, and output. A person with learning disability would not be able to take in and record information, interpret information, store and retrieve information, or reproduce information through either language or motor activity.
Learning disabilities have different classifications, which include academic skills disorders, speech and language disorders, and other disorders (Helpguide.org).
Mother’s use of dangerous substances such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco while the child is in the uterus.
Mother’s illness during pregnancy, which could cause damage to the fetus’ brain.
Environmental factors such as toxins or poor nutrition.
Signs and Symptoms
Difficulty in understanding instructions or spoken language
Delay in identifying or naming colors and objects
Difficulty in writing, drawing, or coloring
Difficulty in maintaining attention in an activity
Difficulty in physical coordination
Other symptoms could present themselves as a child grows older

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Treatment Options
Enrollment in a special education class
Hiring of a private tutor
Having an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) suited for the child
Speech and language therapy.
Communication Disorders

These are conditions that limit a person’s ability to communicate through speaking or hearing, which could range from difficulty in saying sounds to being completely unable to understand or speak (MedlinePlus, 2008).
·      learning disorders

·      hearing disorders

·      speech problems

·      voice problems

·      autism

brain injury
The effects of learning and/or communication disability are difficult to imagine. They vary from person to person, and could range from lowered self-esteem to academic failure, and even frustration. Despite these grave and adverse consequences of having a learning or communication disability, the possibility of overcoming or managing the disability is not remote. There are measures that could help a person with learning or communication disability to overcome his limitations in communicating or learning. A disability only weakens or affects one area of a child’s development. It does not necessarily impair all his potential to develop (Pediatric Neurology.com).

Considering the unique needs of children and adults with learning disabilities, there are initiatives among states to provide assistance, specifically in the form of special programs appropriate for them. Since 2002, under the Learning Disability Program for Tarrant County, there were local trainers in Texas who provide professional development to education staff, to enable them to provide support to people who have learning disabilities.

Other support options available in other locations include a school learning support team that helps teachers plan their class programs to suit the specific needs of their students. If there is adequate funding, there are teachers aides employed to assist teachers in handling children with learning disabilities (State of New South Wales through the Department of Education and Training, 2007).

Interviews with parents of children with learning disabilities show that parents are very grateful for special programs that help them deal with the special situation of their children. Being new to the condition, they are all at a loss as to the proper way of teaching their children, knowing at the same time that the conditional methods they know in teaching children would not work. Thus, they rely greatly on special education teachers who presumably know better in terms of the approach and technique necessary for the condition of the children.


Grigsby, J. S. (2006). Building Bridges to Success: The Tarrant County Learning          Disability Program. Retrieved February 9, 2008, from http://www-            tcall.tamu.edu/newsletr/dec06/dec06c.html

Helpguide.org. Learning Disabilities: Understanding the Types, Causes, Symptoms, and             Diagnosis. Retrieved February 9, 2008, from             http://www.helpguide.org/mental/learning_disabilities.htm
MedlinePlus. (2008). Speech and Communication Disorders. Retrieved February 12, 2008, from             http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/speechandcommunicationdisorders.html


Pediatric Neurology.com. Learning Disabilities. Retrieved February 12, 2008, from             http://pediatricneurology.com/learning.htm


State of New South Wales through the Department of Education and Training. (2007).             Learning Assistance Program. Retrieved February 9, 2008, from             http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/studentsupport/programs/lrngdifficulty.php



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