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The 14 Principles Of Management

Most of these activities are very task-oriented, rather than people-oriented. They still form the basis of much of modern management thoughts and actions. He also Identified fourteen principles that he saw as common to all organizations. They are: specialization of labor. Authority. Discipline. Unity of command. Unity of direction. Subordination of individual interests. Remuneration. Centralization. Scalar Chain. Order. Equity. Personnel Tenure. Initiative. Esprit De corps. Payola believed that management was an activity common to all human endeavors in equines and government.

The 14 principles of management are fundamental rules of management that could be taught in schools and extensively applied in all organizational situations. Workplaces adopting the General Administrative Theorists will usually emphasize clear Dillon of work; each staff should have specific roles and duties. Top management will give authorization to managers, whom in turn will give order and power to exact obedience. The organization should always focus a single plan of action to guide managers and workers.

A fair remuneration system will be applied for all staff. In these organizations, management functions will be consolidated while decision is usually made from top to bottom, therefore, a clear scalar chain is a must. All personnel and materials have a prescribed place and

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time. Equality of treatment personnel. Staff working in these organizations should obey and respect rules of the organization, and should only be receiving orders from one superior, in order to void contradictory commands from different channels.

Everyone in the organization should prioritize the company’s interests/goals but subordinate the individual preferences. Employees are encouraged to originate ideas. Under this situation, harmony and cohesion among personnel are easily created. Some of our current management ideas can be traced to the contribution of the General Administrative Theorists. Payola’s 14 Principles serve as a frame of reference from which many current management concepts have evolved.

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