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Leadership change management in namibia

The region has so many animals such as kudus, zebra, lack rhino and so many bird species. There is the Baobab Tree heritage centre and campsite In Output town. This tree is over a 1000 years old bad It has been used for so many possess such a chapel. Foote’s, landmark and a kindergarten. In the present day there is a kiosk which rents briar stands and sells wood, there are also campsites in the area. There is the Manslaughter’s monument, which was constructed by the government a place of commemoration of the liberation struggle for independence.

This is the place that were the war started in 1966. The region ids home to the Mighty Rescan Falls. There is the Hippo Pool, this Is located next to the falls. There are 10 camps which are located under Monoplane trees(http:// www. Muscatel. Gob. An). As a councilor or win back the respect of the people I shall use the ethical concept of respect. Resort is defined as a feel or understanding that some one is important, serious and souls be treated in a certain way (http:// www. Merriam-Webster. Com). Ender this principle I shall get some people and to observe respect at

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the cultural museum and to have information on the people that book at the heritage centre so that we preserve our culture. I shall also use the concept of respect, In the conservancy as I shall make sure that there shall not be no poachers and that if people want to hunt animals they have to first adhere and respect the laws and cultural respects of the land. Another concept that I shall apply in the conservancies is that of Justice.

JUSTICE DEFINE. This shall be applied to everyone that if the local people are found on the wrong side of the law, such as hunting endangered species of animals within the conservancies they will be fined or imprisoned, thee will be applied fair to everyone even the relatives or members of the Emily of the kings. Justice will apply to everyone who Is caught on the wrong side of the law in campsites or heritage genres so that we keep hold of our heritage and culture.

The concept of HONESTY, if the government gives us money to develop these centers I shall be accountable for the money and I shall declare the money and I shall not take what is not mine be used here. If the shall form committees in for the various centers so that they patrol and keep there Ares in check. From time to time I shall review , re-adjust the plans that we have so that we keep our heritage and conservancies intact. I shall monitor, the deadlines , ethics and Integrity of the groups, so that we do not have bad elements in the group, who will connive with outsiders and destroy what we have.

I shall give reward to members and the people in general who shall do extra to combat problems that we face in the region (http:// www. Determinatively. Co. UK). Leadership change management in iambi By tentatively In the region there are plenty of interesting places and there are a lot of features which vary from game to waterfalls. There region is rich uncultured and they are still campsite in Output town. This tree is over a 1000 years old bad it has been used for o many possess such a chapel,Foote’s, landmark and a kindergarten.

In the present home to the Mighty Rescan Falls. There is the Hippo Pool, this is located next to the wry. Numismatic. Gob. An). As a councilor or win back the respect of the people I shall wry. Merriam-Webster. Com). Under this principle I shall get some people and to concept of respect, in the conservancy as I shall make sure that there shall not be no family of the kings. Justice will apply to everyone who is caught on the wrong side of conservancies intact. I shall monitor, the discipline.

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